"Barriers and Facilitators to Arts Participation in Older Adults" by Kate Dupuis

Arts Participation in Canadian Older Adults

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aging, arts, participation, barriers, facilitators, health promotion


Despite a growing literature showcasing the benefits of arts participation for older adults, data on potential barriers to participation are limited. A survey was developed to assess key facilitators and barriers to participation in the arts in Canadian older adults. One hundred and ninety-four residents of Ontario, Canada aged 55 years+ completed the survey. Almost half of the participants (45%) were participating in the arts, with the most common activities in the domains of visual arts and dance. Barriers to participation included lack of interest in available programs, cost, and not wanting to participate alone. Facilitators to participation included a wider variety of offerings that were either low cost or free, and improved accessibility to activities. Numerous strategies including lower costs, improved transit access, virtual onboarding, and forming a buddy system could further improve participation levels and encourage more older adults to capitalize on the numerous potential health benefits of the arts.


Sheridan Research

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Original Publication Citation

Dupuis, K. (2022). Barriers and facilitators to arts participation in older adults. Sheridan Research.


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