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Sheridan Reads is the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences’ signature contribution to Sheridan’s Creative Campus initiative, bringing students, staff and faculty together with community groups, public libraries and service organizations. The 2015 Sheridan Reads selection was Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill.

Lawrence Hill delivered the inaugural Sheridan Creative Campus Series Distinguished Speaker address on January 19, 2015: “Mining Creativity: Perspectives from a Novelist and Screenwriter.”

Other Sheridan Reads events included:

Book Club Conversations: February 10-12, 2015

These were informal, open conversations where participants exchanged opinions and shared perspectives on the novel from a variety of personal, cultural, and disciplinary backgrounds.

Story Swap: February 24, 2015

Students, faculty and staff from across the college, as well as external community members shared inspiring and creative tales with an enthusiastic audience. Award-winning Canadian poet Daniel Scott Tysdal shared some of his own work and led a creative poetry writing exercise with the group.

Sheridan Reads The Closing Chapter: April 8, 2015

Lawrence Hill read from his novel and discussed The Book of Negroes while interviewed by Ralph Benmergui, Executive Adviser to Sheridan's President. This was followed by an audience Q&A.

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Lawrence Hill, The Book of Negroes, Daniel Scott Tysdale, storytelling, story swap, Sheridan College, Sheridan, Creative Campus

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Creative Writing | Literature in English, North America

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Sheridan Reads: The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill


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