Blown Away - A Netflix Original Series
Streaming Media
Download Blown Away Viewer’s Guide: The (in)complete lexicon of glass blowing which features tools and techniques commonly used in glassblowing (78 KB)
The reality TV series Blown Away made its worldwide debut on Netflix on July 12 and Sheridan helped bring it to life. Viewers are gifted a behind-the-scenes reveal of the complex technical and artistic skills required to excel in this ancient craft. Over 10 episodes, a field of contestants from across North America compete to display their exceptional skills while executing pieces that tackle each episode’s specific set of challenges, to avoid elimination.
Sheridan’s Glass Program was heavily involved from the beginning. Koen Vanderstukken, Head of Glass, served as the series consultant; the college loaned over $10,000 worth of equipment to outfit the show’s facility (what is now North America’s largest hot shop), found on Imperial Street in Hamilton; students and alumni helped to build the hot shop; and 14 students and alumni from Sheridan are featured as assistants in the first 9 episodes. In addition, Benjamin Kikkert, a Sheridan Glass alumnus, is a contestant on the show, and Sheridan’s President, Dr. Janet Morrison, served as a guest evaluator on episode 8.
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Sheridan, Sheridan College, Blown Away, reality TV, TV series, reality television, television series, Netflix, glass, glass blowing, glass art, craft, design, craft and design, contemporary art
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Art Education | Education | Glass Arts
Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design
Associated Content
Prepare to be Blown Away
A behind-the-scenes story about Sheridan’s connections to Blown Away.
© Sheridan College
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SOURCE Citation
Sheridan College, "Blown Away - A Netflix Original Series" (2019). Faculty Creative Works. 2.