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Stars of Mars is a new musical comedy set inside the first human colony on Mars, about a mother and daughter who are worlds apart. When Heather, the first human born on Mars, begins to ask questions about where she’s from, the astronauts and scientists decide to put on a show about the Earth they’ve all left behind. The Stars of Mars is about family, the future, our precious planet, and the rocket science required to put on a show in space.

Director: Steven Gallagher*
Music Director: Christopher Tsujiuchi
Choreographer: Kayla James*

Publication Date


Production Year


Theatre Location

Studio Theatre, Sheridan


Callum Challis: Ensemble
Izaha Cochran: Mutt
Dakota Duguid: Kate
Zoe Fiddes: Dr. Cooper
Dylan Hausdorf: Ensemble
Aveleigh Keller: Heather
Taran Kim: Andy
Germaine Konji: Meryl
Maria Krotiris: Ensemble
Emily Masurkevitch: Allison
Krizia Natale: Ensemble
Olivia Shad: Leslie
Nicole Sherwin: Ensemble
Ben Skipper: Hendriks
Keenan Smits: McCoy
Ryley Tennant: Ensemble
Alex Wierzbicki: Gregory
Luke Wiggins: Talon


Stars of Mars, Sheridan, musical theatre

Terms of Use

Terms of Use for Works posted in SOURCE.


Theatre and Performance Studies


Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Original Citation

Gallagher, S. (Director). (2020, February 14 – 23). Stars of mars. [Theatre Performance]. Oakville: Theatre Sheridan.

Stars of Mars, February 14 – 23, 2020



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