"Two Gentlemen of Verona, November 25 – December 6, 2008" by Theatre Sheridan



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Two best friends leave their rural hometown of Verona to seek their fortunes in Milan. They soon find their friendship tested when they fall in love with the same girl. But even more trouble ensues when the girlfriend one left behind, disguises herself and follows her feckless lover to the ‘big city.’ This madcap musical adaptation of the classic Shakespeare comedy is bound to make you appreciate the Bard in a very new way and will leave you with a joyous life-affirming glow!

The Tony-Award Winning Rock Musical, music by Galt MacDermot, lyrics by John Guare, book adapted by John Guare & Mel Shapiro.

Director: Greg Peterson

Choreographer: Robert Allan

Musical Director: Lona Davis

Publication Date


Production Year


Theatre Location

Macdonald-Heaslip Hall, Sheridan


Cupid: Lucas Meeuse
Thurio, a Suitor of Fabulous Great Wealth: Anthony MacPherson
Speed, Valentine’s Manservant: Lucas Meeuse
Lance, Proteus’ Manservant: Ryan Jeffrey
Valentine: Andrew Broderick
Proteus: Pako Arizmendi
Julia: Rebecca Peters
Lucetta, Julia’s Maid: Anna Hurshman
Vissi D’Amore: Lili Connor
Antonio, Proteus’ Father: Adam Hobbs
Duke of Milan: Jonathan Tan
Silvia, the Duke’s Daughter: Stacey Bulmer / Allison Edwards Crewe
Guard: Adam Hobbs
Innkeeper: Daniel Birnbaum
Eglamour, Silvia’s Banished Lover: Jeremy Wells
Milkmaid: Esther Huh

Citizens of Verona/Milan
Kathryn Ballantine, Daniel Birnbaum, Kelly Boaz, Michael Brockman, Jennifer Budgell, Cameron Carver, Lili Connor, Leah Coombs, Adam Hobbs, Esther Huh, Marie-Claude Sarault, Jonathan Tan, Jeremy Wells


Two Gentlemen of Verona, Theatre Sheridan, musical theatre

Terms of Use

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Theatre and Performance Studies


Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design


Department of Visual and Performing Arts

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Original Citation

Peterson, G. (Director). (2008, November 25 – December 6). Two gentlemen of Verona. [Theatre Performance]. Oakville: Theatre Sheridan.

Two Gentlemen of Verona, November 25 – December 6, 2008



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