Challenging State's Authority and reclaiming citizenship: A Case on Action Against Eviction and Deportation of Pavement Dwellers in Mumbai, India

Challenging State's Authority and reclaiming citizenship: A Case on Action Against Eviction and Deportation of Pavement Dwellers in Mumbai, India



Ferzana Chaze contributed the chapter, "Challenging State's Authority and Reclaiming Citizenship: A Case on Action Against Eviction and Deportation of Pavement Dwellers in Mumbai, India" in the book Subversive Social Action: Extra-legal and Illegal Action for Social Justice.

Document Type

Book Chapter


Subversive Action presents cases that explore the use of extralegal action undertaken in pursuit of human rights and social justice, and locate that action with reference to the boundaries of social work. Definitions of social work often include goals of social change, social justice, empowerment, and the liberation of people, but social work texts make little mention of extralegal actions. Mainstream conceptions of social work usually consider it to fall within the framework of particular legal and societal contexts. As such, it is presented with boundaries for legitimate action even as it espouses principles that may require it to challenge these boundaries. How does one do social work in legal and societal contexts that challenge these principles with institutional and state-mandated exclusion and discrimination? Should social workers simply act within the bounds of the law in line with their professional sanction and mandate? Do their actions qualify as social work if they are beyond the limits of the law? The essays in this volume, by authors from around the world, raise these questions by providing a basis for reflection about the claims we make in social work embodied in discourses on social justice and human rights.



Publication Date



Wilfrid Laurier University Press



Number of Pages



social justice, social work, human rights, civil rights


Faculty of Applied Health & Community Studies


School of Applied Health

Original Citation

George, U., Chaze, F. (2015). Challenging State's Authority and reclaiming citizenship: A Case on Action Against Eviction and Deportation of Pavement Dwellers in Mumbai, India. In Nilan Yu & Deena Mandell (Eds.) Subversive Social Action: Extra-legal and Illegal Action for Social Justice. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier Press.

Challenging State's Authority and reclaiming citizenship: A Case on Action Against Eviction and Deportation of Pavement Dwellers in Mumbai, India


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