Faculty Publications and Scholarship | Sheridan College


Submissions from 2015


Incorporating Research into a 2-Year Practical Nursing Diploma Program, Ratna Khullar, Dalya Abdulla, and Mary Anne Van Os


Beautiful Buttons, Mary Anne Van Os

Submissions from 2014


Does Pre-Admissions Testing Play a Role in Math Performance Among Students Enrolled in a 2-Year Practical Nursing Diploma Program?, Dalya Abdulla and Paul Jeffrey

Submissions from 2013


Effects of a Eucaloric Low Glycemic Index Diet on Insulin Sensitivity and Intramyocellular Lipid Content in Adults with Abdominal Obesity, Angela Marie Kochan

Submissions from 2012


Assessing the Relative Perspective of the Regulation of Kinesiologists Among Other Health Professionals, Kerry Braniff, William Montelpare, and Moira McPherson

Submissions from 2005


Toll-like Receptor-4 Regulation of Hepatic Cyp3a11 Metabolism in a Mouse Model of LPS-induced CNS Inflammation, Kerry B. Goralski, Dalya Abdulla, Christopher J. Sinal, Andre Arsenault, and Kenneth W. Renton

Submissions from 2003


Methodological Issues in Evaluating Workplace Interventions to Reduce Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders Through Mechanical Exposure Reduction, Donald C. Cole, Richard P. Wells, Mardy B. Frazer, Mickey S. Kerr, W Patrick Neumann, Andrew C. Laing, and Ergonomic Intervention Evaluation Research Group


Using Peak and Cumulative Spinal Loading to Assess Jobs, Job Rotation and Engineering Controls, Mardy B. Frazer