"What Can Sheridan Do to Be More Effective Allies to Indigenous Communi" by Elijah Williams, Ferzana Chaze et al.

What Can Sheridan Do to Be More Effective Allies to Indigenous Communities?

Streaming Media

Document Type


Publication Date



ally, Indigenous communities, Sheridan College, truth and reconciliation


In Our Voices: Sheridan’s Indigenous Community and Allies is an arts based research collaboration with the Centre for Indigenous Learning and Support, Sheridan College.   This research was funded by a Sheridan College SRCA Growth Grant awarded to Dr. Bethany Osborne and Dr. Ferzana Chaze in March 2018. The project received ethics approval from Sheridan’s Research Ethics Board. The research focused on documenting the voices of Sheridan’s Indigenous Community and its allies. The goal of research was to create a series of videos that highlight the following:

1. How Indigenous peoples at Sheridan have impacted our communities, both locally and globally

2. How different Indigenous peoples at Sheridan have encountered adversity/challenges and overcome those challenges

3. How Indigenous people at Sheridan understand/live the Indigenous Worldview.

4. How Indigenous people/administrators/staff and faculty at Sheridan see the role of an effective ally (How administrators/staff/faculty/students can become effective allies).

These three videos emerge from Phase 1 of the research project and feature voices of Sheridan’s Administrators, Faculty and Staff on.

Video 1: What does it mean to be an effective ally to Indigenous Communities?

Video 2: What can Sheridan do to be more effective allies to Indigenous Communities?

Video 3: How can Sheridan students be allies to Indigenous Communities while they are at Sheridan and as they enter the field?


Faculty of Applied Health & Community Studies (FAHCS)


Sheridan SRCA Growth Grant funding

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