Remote Learning in Applied Engineering

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remote education, online education, hybrid learning, experiential learning, engineering education, COVID-19, plagiarism


From episode description: “Today, Mouhamed Abdulla joins us to speak about remote learning in applied engineering. Mouhamed is a professor of Electrical Engineering at Sheridan Institute of Technology.

He began with an insight into how he taught engineering courses before and how he is teaching now. Before the pandemic, he and his colleagues scarcely used online learning tools but had to learn to teach with learning management tools after the pandemic.

The professor spoke about the challenges he faced with the new style of teaching. He explained how it was difficult for international students to get the necessary equipment for the online lab sessions. Also, he talked about the challenge with purchasing more expensive equipment and how he had to restructure the labs from scratch to fit the new reality. He further discussed the key takeaways from the entire experience.”


Faculty of Applied Science & Technology (FAST)

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Original Publication Citation

Polich, K. (Host). (2022, May 12). Remote Learning in Applied Engineering
[Audio Podcast]. In Data Skeptic.


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