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Berezan bone graffito, hermeneutics, archeology, artifact


The understanding of an epoch’s tradition and culture depends on the complex interpretation and understanding of each surviving artifact that can contribute to the reconstruction of a coherent notion of the past. Therefore, from the point of view of cultural hermeneutics, any archaeological artifact may be regarded as a creative expression of thought fixed in various forms (in a text or an inscription, in an image or an object) that belongs to a definite cultural and historical environment. Such creative expressions of thought in the form of images, objects, texts or apparently meaningless inscriptions come to us as hermeneutic problems that require a solution. The author has chosen as subject of this study one of the most disputed artifacts whose interpretation and understanding still leaves a number of questions unanswered: the Berezan Bone Graffito (550 – 525 BC or early 5th c. BC).


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences


School of Social and Life Sciences




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Original Publication Citation

Boshnakova, A. (2007). Hermeneutics of the archaeological artifact: Destruction and reconstruction of the lost meaning. In K. Boshnakov (Ed.), Jubilaeus VI: The Ancient Heritage of the Black Sea (51-102). Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.


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