50 Years of Bruins Athletics
Since 1970, the Sheridan Sun newspaper has covered the Sheridan Bruins in print and online. In the summer of 2019, to celebrate 50 years of Bruins athletics, a group of Journalism students explored past issues of the Sheridan Sun to build a gallery of some of their favourite photos from the newspaper. From varsity hockey to ski and judo teams, the Sheridan Sun has watched sports come and go, and has been there for the ups and downs.
Project Coordinator: Nick Snow
Researchers: Anya-Belle Brown, Shane Larrow, Tatyana Sohan-Fagan
Assistant Researchers: Owen Scarrow, Loren Pelaez
Project Advisor: Cheryl Vallender
Printer: Jennifer Ribout
The project members thank Sheridan Athletics staff Tahir Khan and Ryan Kelly for assistance with this exhibit.
Browse the 50 Years of Bruins Athletics Collections
The Exhibit opening – a feature event during Bruins Homecoming 2019