"SDG Progress Report 2023" by Marian Traynor

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United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals, SDG, SDG accord, sustainable development, academic libraries


The SDGs provide a universal and ambitious framework for addressing the world’s most urgent challenges. The SDGs aim to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity for all global citizens by 2030 and they require significant traction in the next seven years to meet their targets. As institutions at the forefront of knowledge access, dissemination and mobilization, academic libraries are uniquely positioned to support and advance sustainable development through their collections, services, and programming, as well as through their operational practices at the heart of campus.

In 2021, Sheridan became Ontario’s first institution to sign the SDG Accord, the postsecondary sector’s collective international response to the SDGs. In support of the Accord, Sheridan library has committed resources over the past two years to support Sheridan in meeting its commitment. This report examines the ways in which Sheridan library is specifically taking action on the SDGs and includes a roadmap on how the library will continue its SDG work moving forward.

We recognize that the challenges being addressed by the SDGs are interconnected and complex and require a holistic approach. In recognition of this, a collective effort is necessary in addressing this shared global responsibility. Sheridan library is leveraging existing partnerships and continuously building new collaborations in support of the goals. We invite readers of this report to identify potential points of collaboration with our library team. Be assured that our team is ready, capable and willing to work with you to design and implement creative and impactful solutions for SDG challenges. Together, we can achieve the goals and ensure a better future for current and future generations.


The report was prepared by:

Content: Marian Traynor, Director, Library & Research Support Services
Design: Oksana Chetveryk, Administrative Associate, Library & Learning Services


Library Services

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Original Publication Citation

Traynor, M. (2023). SDG progress report 2023. Unpublished report. Library & Research Support Services. Sheridan College.

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