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co-op, co-operative education, co-operative experiential education, reflective learning, reflective practice, reflection, learning management systems, LMS, blending learning, community of learners


Expanding educational opportunities beyond the classroom and embedding them within a work term has created different challenges within academia. This paper will critically examine evidence and arguments for and against the hypotheses that learning management systems (LMSs) can increase a post-secondary Co-operative education (Co-op) student’s ability to connect academic theory to work place practice through ongoing reflection and feedback. Although many post-secondary institutions have access to LMS’s for academic classes, they tend to be underutilized as a tool to maximize Co-op work term learning and collaboration. Yet, it is important to recognize that online course discussions do not automatically generate quality interactivity between learners. Instead, instructional strategies are needed to facilitate learning outcomes being met (Brindley, Walti, & Blaschke, 2009). This learning paradigm combines reflective learning with online blended learning by recognizing the importance of individual activity as well as collaborative learning (Beckett & Hager, 2002). Current Co-op practice requires the submission of reflective reports at the end of the work term, with no opportunity for academic feedback until the work experience has been completed. A critical change in Co-op practice is required that integrates effective tools and pedagogy that supports student reflective learning during work term semesters.


Career Education


EduTech Wiki


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Original Publication Citation

Peach-Squibb, J. (2016, February 22.) Learning Management Systems: A tool for post-secondary co-operative education students. EduTech Wiki, A resource kit for educational technology teaching, practice and research. Retrieved 01:27, June 24, 2016 from

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