"Justin S. B. Crowell" by Justin S. B. Crowell

Fire Station 204

Justin S. B. Crowell

Streaming Media

Document Type

Student Work

Publication Date



architectural technology, schematic design, renovation, plan drawing, adaptive reuse, building science, studio 6

Design Concept

My design process for this project was to try and give the fire station a better curb appeal. I've added two Pergolas on the North and East elevations. This brings a warmer and more calming appearance to the building. The use of a modified butterfly roof is to help collect the and recycle the storm water for sustainable use in the building. Three large skylights allows plenty of natural light into the building.

The style that I used for my elevations was not to express elements with color but use line weights and the use of shading to express my ideas.

A large gym space has been added on the North East sector of the building for the firefighters are more connected to their community. The use of "bed pods" are proposed to allow for separate alarm systems for each team. This will allow certain units that are needed for action that the other units will be disturbed by the alarm and or of the other team leaving the station.


Faculty of Applied Science & Technology (FAST)

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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Original Publication Citation

Crowell, J. (2020, June, 27). Brampton fire station 204. Studio 6 summer 2020. https://perma.cc/K8L8-ZNX8
