Old Mill
Jiazhi Wu
Document Type
Student Work
Publication Date
architectural technology, schematic design, renovation, plan drawing, adaptive reuse, building science, studio 6
Design Concept
This proposal is dedicated to a 3-storey building located in
Paisley, ON, which is going to be renovated as a brewery &
pub. Previously being a millwork station, the building is facing
south and is connected to the existing 2-storey
apartment on the left. To take the advantage of the sun path,
the PVC roof would be sloped at 8 degrees towards the south,
which provides maximum efficiency with solar panels on top.
The southeast side is going to be mostly open with curtain wall
glazing, to provide sunlight & views towards the front, while the
back of the building is mostly not visible from the outside, in
order to keep brewery equipment at minimum exposure to the
sun. The finish material would be corrugated metal siding
with variant colours such as wood finish to provide a natural
feeling and fit in with the local rural area.
Faculty of Applied Science & Technology (FAST)
© Jiazhi Wu
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Original Publication Citation
Wu, J. (2021, February, 28). Paisley Nature's Brewery. Studio 6 winter 2021. https://perma.cc/BE2L-X8JU
SOURCE Citation
Wu, Jiazhi, "Jiazhi Wu" (2021). Old Mill. 2.