"Muhammad Hamza" by Muhammad Hamza

Paisley Mill

Document Type

Student Work

Publication Date

Winter 2022


Paisley Mill, Studio 6, 3D wall section, architectural technology, detailing, rendering, adaptive re-use

Design Concept

This section is taken across the building from East to West with a view toward the north. This section was chosen as it provides the most structurally challenging moments of various scenarios. The extending situation results in the creation of another foundation wall, this section tackles how would that differ from the existing foundation wall. The extended ground floor assembly and its relationship between the new and existing foundation wall, the addition to the second floor, and the extending overhang on the third floor. Overall, this section has the most versatile situations in terms of attaching the existing structure to the new and the assemblies change required to fit newer requirements.


Faculty of Applied Science & Technology (FAST)

Terms of Use

Terms of Use for Works posted in SOURCE.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Original Publication Citation

Hamza, M. (2022).Paisley Hill. [Unpublished]. Faculty of Applied Science & Technology, Sheridan College.
