"Jackson Lahey" by Jackson Lahey

Paisley Mill

Document Type

Student Work

Publication Date

Winter 2022


Paisley Mill, Studio 6, 3D wall section, architectural technology, detailing, rendering, adaptive re-use

Design Concept

The purpose of this wall section was designed to maximize the amount of interior space is available to view. This adaptive reuse project of the Paisley Mill into a brewery was done to integrate a business that would make good use of the large empty structure. The brewery will incorporate other local businesses in the supply of ingredients and sale of the product.

The purpose of the main floor is a brewery, with double height ceilings, mezzanines, and a split-level addition. This view captures the aesthetic feel of the industrial use of this building. The materials also add to this industrial feeling by using very robust and cold materials, such as a steel framed addition, with concrete flooring. The section shows the steel framed structure cutting through the large overhead bay door. This was done to accentuate the industrial use of this building. Looking through the section allows the viewer to see the transition from the new addition to the existing building that is made from heavy timber. This helps visualize the design intention of separating the occupant uses, as you can see the offices and bar/ lounge in the back within the existing wood structure.


Faculty of Applied Science & Technology (FAST)

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Original Publication Citation

Lahey, J. (2022).Paisley Hill. [Unpublished]. Faculty of Applied Science & Technology, Sheridan College.
