Jacob Gow

Jacob Gow



In the short time Jake has been working with Theatre Sheridan, he has taken the initiative to develop a department-wide materials tracking workflow that allows Theatre Sheridan to more accurately quantify progress against its sustainability goals. Jake’s efforts have provided a pathway to better-quantify all the environmentally friendly work Theatre Sheridan has built into their process for several years, and his continued collaborative approach to this project has led to across-the-board buy-in from his team. This new workflow aligns with the team’s ingrained process of reusing, repurposing, and recycling materials wherever possible, and serves as a guiding light within Theatre Sheridan toward more informed, responsible, and sustainable choices when it comes to material use!

Publication Date



environment, community, mission zero


Tech Director, Theatre Sheridan


Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Jacob Gow


GOAL 13: Climate Action

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