Genevieve Kenny

Genevieve Kenny


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Genevieve Kenny is a professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering in the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology (FAST). Along with imparting valuable knowledge in the fields of environmental processes and remediation she is actively involved in diverse research projects at Sheridan, including projects related to the separation and processing of plastic waste among others. She notably leads a Generator-funded initiative investigating the potential of oyster mushrooms to degrade plastic waste, aiming to redirect plastic away from landfills or incineration. Her research has found promising results and was featured in the Sheridan Newsroom, 2023 Generator Showcase, Sheridan’s SDG Week Canada 2024 Sustainability Networking & Showcase event, and the Spring 2024 Open House. Her research not only advances knowledge in waste management but also demonstrates Sheridan's commitment to advancing sustainability through research and innovation.

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environment, community, mission zero


Faculty of Applied Science and Technology


Chemical and Environmental Engineering

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Genevieve Kenny


GOAL 13: Climate Action

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