Tatyana Ali and Ayushi Satish Prajapati
Throughout the year, Tatyana and Ayushi have been generously contributing their time and marketing skills outside of their academic studies to help raise awareness of Trafalgar's Art Hive, encouraging the Sheridan community to join the Art Hive every Wednesday in the Learning Commons! What makes their involvement in Art Hive so inspiring is that neither has yet been able to participate in the Art Hive as their class schedules have not afforded them time to attend. However, once they learned that the Art Hive was about how to recycle, reuse, and repurpose materials for creative exploration, whilst also supporting equity, diversity, and inclusion, they did not hesitate to offer their marketing skills to support the initiative. They remind us that there are many ways we can make a positive difference and support sustainability through offering our time and talents.
Publication Date
environment, community, mission zero
Pilon School of Business
BBA Marketing Management, Advertising Account Management Graduate Certificate
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SOURCE Citation
Ali, Tatyana and Prajapati, Ayushi Satish, "Tatyana Ali and Ayushi Satish Prajapati" (2024). 2024. 6.