"International Students and Mental Health" by Danisha Gnaneswaran

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international students, mental health, well-being, mental health services


This research seeks to explore the barriers and challenges international students face in Canada. The study was conducted to understand how these barriers and challenges effect international student’s mental health and what their perceptions are about utilizing mental health and well-being services. The approach used in this research was quantitative, an online anonymous survey conducted that received in total of 30 responses. The results show that participants experience financial challenges, loneliness, and housing. Participants have financial difficulties and limited knowledge and awareness in accessing mental health and well-being services. Further improvements have been encouraged towards mental health and well-being services by making it more accessible online or in-person and prefer in-person counselling and therapy. The research helped grow a deeper understanding and identified underlying issues, grasping authentic preferences of utilizing mental health and well-being services to meet their needs. From the results, our suggestion is to decrease tuition fees for international students as majority of financial difficulties stem from this issue.


Faculty of Applied Health & Community Studies (FAHCS)


Bachelor of Social and Community Development

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Original Publication Citation

Gnaneswaran, D. (2024). International students and mental health [unpublished poster]. Sheridan College,


GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

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