The 'Black Death': how it spread and changed 14th century Europe
Document Type
Student Work
Publication Date
Winter 2021
The Plague, Black Death, Bubonic Plague, Recovery, Yersinia Pestis
We present the ramifications of the Black Plague using ArcGis Story maps. Using this source enables us to visually depict our project, allowing it to be easier to consume. To begin, we discuss how the plague originated, and the path of devastation it took around Europe, different regions were affected by the plague at different times. Following that our website describes the toll taken on the population and reflect which areas of Europe were hurt the most. To conclude we discuss the resilience of the population, and the consequences both long and short term that affected life in the 14th century.
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences (FHASS)
© Qasim Raja, Andrew Hrinco, Joseph Whitmore, Dahye Oh
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
SOURCE Citation
Raja, Qasim; Hrinco, Andrew; Whitmore, Joseph; and Oh, Dahye, "The 'Black Death': how it spread and changed 14th century Europe" (2021). Plagues and Resiliency: Public History Winter 2021. 9.
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