"Community Ideas Factory: The Life Skills Project Year 1 Report" by Sara Cumming, Julianne DiSanto et al.

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Community Ideas Factory, Life Skills Project, virtual life skills, marginalized populations, Learning Management System


The project aims to develop quality, creative and applied virtual life skills programming that will enhance the lives of marginalized populations in Halton Region and its surrounding areas. The life skills programming will be a comprehensive, lived-experience and EDI-informed program that includes several key topics and associated interactive applications that will allow the learner to practice the essential life skills being taught in a virtual setting to prevent homelessness. The result of this project will be a virtual Learning Management System (LMS) shared across the Halton Region and beyond.


The third Community Ideas Factory Initiative (CIF) - The “Life Skills Project”, led by Sheridan College Professor, Dr. Sara J. Cumming was launched in July 2021. She is joined by co-investigators: Professor Dr. Julianne DiSanto, Professor Dr. Brandon McFarlane, Professor Mark Shufflebottom, Dr. Humaira Siddiqui, and Leah Burton, MSW.

This is an NSERC/SSHRC CCSIF funded research collaboration between Sheridan College, Big Brothers Big Sisters Halton Hamilton (BBBS), Bridging the Gap (BtG), Children’s Aid Society (CAS), Food For Life (FFL), Halton Multicultural Council: Connections (HMC), Halton Women’s Place, Halton Region, Kerr Street Mission (KSM), Oakville Community Foundation (OCF), Oak Park Neighbourhood Center (OPNC), Peterborough Housing Corporation, Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services (SAVIS), Shifra, United Way Halton Hamilton (UWHH), Woodgreen, and YMCA of Oakville.


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences (FHASS)

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Original Publication Citation

Community Ideas Factory. (2022). The life skills project year 1 report. Mississauga, Ontario.
