Research Digital Wall
Featuring videos from Trafalgar Campus Library’s digital wall that highlight and celebrate the dynamic scholarly and creative works done by Sheridan faculty and students.
The digital wall is designed to engage our community, along with employers, future students, and other partners, the wall features creative content and design including interactive features and the opportunity for students and faculty to engage in programming.
The Digital Wall is a service of Sheridan Library.
Please fill out the Digital Wall Submission Form to submit your project.
For all other inquiries please email digitalwall@sheridancollege.ca
Designing Research Assignments that Enhance Student Research Skills
Kathleen Oakey
Open educational resource designed to support research assignment design at post-secondary institutions in Ontario.
Issue 7 Ampersand Review
Paul Vermeersch, Tali Voron-Leiderman, Owen Percy, and Kilby Smith-McGregor
In the seventh issue of The Ampersand Review, we are proud to present a variety of short stories, poems, and works of creative nonfiction that showcase innovative writing in the Canadian literary landscape. This issue features an exclusive interview with Cassidy McFadzean, poetry by Leah Bobet and Amber Dawn, fiction by Damian Tarnopolsky, and Kim Fahner's winning essay of The Ampersand Review Essay Contest 2024.
In this video, we highlight a poetry selection by Amber Dawn.
Hearts + Minds: Co-creating Civic Connections with Indigenous & Black Youth
Abigail Salole, Fallon Melander, Tiana Bone, Alex Hansen, Esrah Akasha, Michella Mark, Yasmin Hashi, Shamas Berantuo, Melissa Ishihara, and Wendy Wang
Hearts + Minds centres the voices of Black and Indigenous young people to reimagine and create opportunities to enhance their civic engagement. The research will include mobilizing Black and Indigenous young people’s expertise about community connections through the dissemination of case studies, best practices and practical tools to develop programs in the voluntary sector and beyond, in ways that are welcoming and affirming.
The principles of humility, connection and respect lead this project. The answers have always been there, but we haven’t been listening to them. This project will allow us to listen, learn and amplify the voices of Black and Indigenous youth in a way that promotes change and demands action. -
Stories of Home
Diana Catargiu, Cheryl Vallender, Claudia Cirip, Sara Machan, Nataly Shaheen, Suzanne Soares, Kawther Ramadan, and Mehmet Oner
Stories of Home is a place for listening to and sharing our stories. It elevates the voices of students, faculty and staff in the ESL and TESOL Plus programs at Sheridan College. It inspires connectivity, empathy and understanding. It builds connections and elevates a sense of pride in our heritage and identity. It promotes equity and inclusion. It brings students, faculty and staff together.
Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies
Ferzana Chaze, Bethany Osborne, Archana Medhekar, and Purnima George
Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies is a freely accessible eCampus Ontario Pressbook containing case studies of immigrant women experiencing domestic violence to be used as educational materials. Presented on SRCA Digital Wall, hosted by Sheridan Library.
Cultivating Trauma-Informed Spaces in Education: Promising Practices Manual
Nicole Johnson and Ida Gianvito
Cultivating Trauma-Informed Spaces in Education Promising Practices Manual is an outcome of a Sheridan Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activities Growth Grant. The project goal was to develop proactive measures to enhance student support, and safer learning experiences, and reduce trauma, re-traumatization, and vicarious trauma. The Manual is intended to support increased awareness of trauma and the importance of Trauma-Informed Education in post-secondary education. It includes a framework, including macro, mezzo, and micro level organizational recommendations and pedagogical practices. It is a tool to support educators and educational institutions, through a preventative and harm-reducing approach, to support more compassionate, supportive, equitable and flexible learning spaces and workplaces.
Augmented Reality Book Cover Projects
Library Services
Students of the Bachelor of Interaction Design have redesigned book covers using augmented reality. Presented on SRCA Digital Wall, hosted by Sheridan Library.
Creating Public History in the 21st Century
Robert Tiegs
Over two semesters Robert Tiegs Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences students developed wonderful public history projects, including websites, story maps, interactive images, and podcasts. Presented on SRCA Digital Wall, hosted by Sheridan Library.
Sheridan Creates
Sheridan College
Sheridan Creates is a full-day showcase and celebration of faculty and staff research, innovation, creative activities and entrepreneurship.
Sheridan Art Hives
Susan Beniston and Kirsten Abrahamson
A few times during the academic year, Art Hives invites students, faculty and staff at Sheridan to gather in common spaces at Sheridan and engage in art-based “public creativity”. Art Hives are a worldwide movement, offering creative spaces that inspire imagination, awaken hearts, and mobilize action. This video highlights some of the Art Hives events since it was introduced to the Sheridan community in 2017
Studio 89 Marketing Plan - PSB Industry Project
Lora Bowman, Shamik Chotalia, Maxine Drozdowski, and Gatha Kher
Sheridan Marketing Graduate Certificate Industry Project 'Studio 89 Marketing Plan' Presented on SRCA Digital Wall, hosted by Sheridan Library and Learning Services.
Food Memoir - FHASS Assignment
Stephany Corteras
Food Memoir assignment created by Sheridan student Stephany Corteras. Presented on SRCA Digital Wall, hosted by Sheridan Library and Learning Services.
RALF - FAAD Capstone Project
Yael Hubert
Sheridan Bachelor of Interaction Design (IXD) Capstone 'RALF' created by Yael Hubert. Presented on SRCA Digital Wall, hosted by Sheridan Library and Learning Services
Behaviour in Early Childhood - FAHCS Capstone Project
Gabrielle Land
Sheridan Bachelor of Early Childhood Leadership Capstone "Educators' Perceptions Regarding Challenging Behaviour in Early Childhood" created by Gabrielle Land. Presented on SRCA Digital Wall, hosted by Sheridan Library and Learning Services.
Campus Navigator - FAST Capstone Project
Alvin Ramoutar, Jennifer To, Pavan Kuntumalla, and Anish Jagadisan
Sheridan Software Network Development and Engineering (SDNE) Captstone "Campus Navigator" app created by Alvin Ramoutar, Jennifer To, Pavan Kuntumalla, Anish Jagadisan. Presented on SRCA Digital Wall, hosted by Sheridan Library and Learning Services. 2019 Best SDNE Capstone.
Learning Walks - FHASS Teaching & Learning
Marlon Valencia
The 'Learning Walks' assignment explores the learning experience of students in Marlon's course, through photography, theory and reflection. Presented on SRCA Digital Wall, hosted by Sheridan Library and Learning Services.