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Panama papers, offshore tax evasion, comparative analysis, legal frameworks, enforcement tactics


Following the revelations from the Panama Papers and other significant leaks, there has been a marked increase in public calls for nations to address tax evasion more effectively. This period has witnessed an unparalleled expansion in global cooperation regarding tax matters, leading to significant strides toward mitigating offshore tax evasion. In this evolving landscape, the focus shifts to North America, where both Canada and the United States have stepped up their efforts to curb tax evasion. They have updated their legal frameworks, enhanced enforcement tactics, and strengthened tax authorities' investigative capabilities. This research delves into the legislative actions taken by the USA and Canada in response to the challenges of offshore tax evasion, employing a comparative analysis to scrutinize the effectiveness and hurdles of these measures. By examining a wide array of sources, including literature, policy documents, and reports, the study aims to evaluate how both countries have revised their tax laws and introduced new strategies to tackle tax evasion. The emphasis will be on assessing the impact of these legislative changes on curbing offshore tax evasion and identifying the challenges in enforcing these laws. This investigation seeks to shed light on the comparative effectiveness of the strategies deployed by the USA and Canada, offering valuable insights into addressing a critical issue in international finance and tax regulation. This paper also provides limitations of the literature evidence for evaluating tax evasion and a research guideline for further work to be performed in this area of study. To enhance the practical understanding of the key points discussed in this thesis, a detailed case study has been prepared and included in Appendix A.


Pilon School of Business (PILON)


Honours Bachelor of Business Administration Accounting

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Original Publication Citation

Singh, A. (2024). Evaluating Responses to Offshore Tax Evasion: A Comparative Analysis of Legislative Reforms in the USA and Canada Post-Panama Papers [Unpublished Thesis]. Pilon School of Business. Sheridan College.
