

Start Date

3-3-2021 2:30 PM

End Date

3-3-2021 3:30 PM


SESSION THREE: Perspectives on Learning

Teach Geek sessions were comprised of two 10-minute presentations. Each of the sessions ran twice. Once attendees finished watching the two sessions, they had the option to move to another two sessions. There was no official Q&A associated with Teach Geeks, each participant was encouraged connect with the presenters in the Networking 1:1 Booth or follow-up directly via email.


Mar 3rd, 2:30 PM Mar 3rd, 3:30 PM

The Impact of Personal Connection in the Classroom (Teach Geeks)


SESSION THREE: Perspectives on Learning

Teach Geek sessions were comprised of two 10-minute presentations. Each of the sessions ran twice. Once attendees finished watching the two sessions, they had the option to move to another two sessions. There was no official Q&A associated with Teach Geeks, each participant was encouraged connect with the presenters in the Networking 1:1 Booth or follow-up directly via email.