SOURCE Citation
Chaze, Ferzana; Gupta, Deepikaa; Kwee, Heung Ting; Rodrigues, Dorothy; and Samuel, Arlene, "Facilitators and Barriers to Mentoring Newcomers Research Study: Highlights of the Research and Opportunities for Experiential Learning (Presentation: Session One)" (2022). Generator at Sheridan. 8.
Start Date
26-10-2022 11:30 AM
End Date
26-10-2022 12:00 PM
This presentation provides highlights of a SSHRC-funded research study conducted in partnership with TRIEC Mentoring Partnership to understand facilitators and barriers to mentoring newcomers to Canada. Students research assistants were integral to the project and will present on the experiential learning gained through their engagement in the research.
© Ferzana Chaze, Deepikaa Gupta, Heung Ting Kwee, Dorothy Rodrigues, Arlene Samuel
Included in
Facilitators and Barriers to Mentoring Newcomers Research Study: Highlights of the Research and Opportunities for Experiential Learning (Presentation: Session One)
This presentation provides highlights of a SSHRC-funded research study conducted in partnership with TRIEC Mentoring Partnership to understand facilitators and barriers to mentoring newcomers to Canada. Students research assistants were integral to the project and will present on the experiential learning gained through their engagement in the research.