"Rose-Breasted Cockatoo Animal Form With Type" by Iman Omar Saleh

Exhibition Artwork



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Bird, Cockatoo, Digital Art, Art Fundamentals, Creative Campus Galleries, Library Exhibits

Artist Statement

In this project, which is titled "Animal Form With Type", I had decided to use a parrot named the Rose Breasted Cockatoo, which as you can see, is a silhouette of the parrot, and they are placed inside of a lower-case letter 'r'. For this project, I had no particular expectations of what the outcome of the finished visual product might look like. However, throughout the process, when experimenting with the positive and negative spaces within the limited colours and space of the letter, it has allowed me to narrow my ideas to a certain composition and style which I wanted to achieve in this artwork. This project has helped me grow as an artist by pushing the limitations of creativity and creating an artwork that is dynamic and visually interesting with only a limited amount of required materials.


Creative Campus Galleries


Digital Art


19 x 25.5cm

Terms of Use

Terms of Use for Works posted in SOURCE.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Bird, Cockatoo, Digital Art, Art Fundamentals, Creative Campus Galleries, Library Exhibits

