"Implementing the Seniors’ Anti-Bullying Toolkit in Seniors’ Residences" by Kirsten Madsen and Dorothy Rodrigues

Implementing the Seniors’ Anti-Bullying Toolkit in Seniors’ Residences

Streaming Media

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senior, bullying, anti-bullying, toolkit


This webinar provided the results from the Seniors Bullying in Ontario Survey, formal feedback from stakeholders, and existing best practices, a Seniors’ Anti-bullying Toolkit was created.


This toolkit is modular, and includes strategies and activities to prevent and address bullying behaviours and create a positive environment. Currently, this Toolkit is being implemented in seniors’ residences. Together with the residents and staff at these sites, many lessons are being learned.

This webinar presented on the strategies being implemented from the Seniors’ Anti-bullying Toolkit , and discussed how they are being modified and built upon to reduce bullying behaviours.


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

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