"Inclusive Community Building at Sheridan College: A Wayfinding Journ" by Sheridan Centre for Elder Research

Inclusive Community Building at Sheridan College: A Wayfinding Journey (Website)

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inclusion and accessibility, Trafalgar campus, built environment, wayfinding, aging population, Generator Growth Grant


The older adult (65+) population in Canada is growing as a result of increased longevity and population trends and is estimated to reach 22.7% by 2031 (Statistics Canada, 2019). As this trend is also being felt globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that accessible spaces will need to be established to provide greater access to healthy aging opportunities (World Health Organization, 2022). "Healthy Aging in Canada: A New Vision, A Vital investment" (2006) also states that, "older Canadians also make an important contribution to the paid economy", providing additional compelling reasons to promote accessible spaces and environments in all communities. Since post-secondary institutions are not only places of higher learning, but are also vibrant workplaces and gathering centres for people of all ages, this research project sought to better understand how individuals age 55+ of all abilities interact, access, and navigate the built environment at the Trafalgar Campus of Sheridan College in Oakville, Ontario.


Sheridan Centre for Elder Research Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design (FAAD) Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences (FHASS)

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Original Publication Citation

Inclusive Community Building at Sheridan College: A Wayfinding Journey (n.d.). https://inclusivecommunitybuild.design.sheridanc.on.ca/A_Wayfinding_Journey/


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