"A Big Data Lake for Multilevel Streaming Analytics" by Ruoran Liu, Haruna Isah et al.

Document Type

Conference Paper

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hadoop data platform, hadoop distributed file system, NiFi, streaming data, unstructured data, distributed, parallel, and cluster computing, artificial Intelligence, AI, databases, machine learning


Large organizations are seeking to create new architectures and scalable platforms to effectively handle data management challenges due to the explosive nature of data rarely seen in the past. These data management challenges are largely posed by the availability of streaming data at high velocity from various sources in multiple formats. The changes in data paradigm have led to the emergence of new data analytics and management architecture. This paper focuses on storing high volume, velocity and variety data in the raw formats in a data storage architecture called a data lake. First, we present our study on the limitations of traditional data warehouses in handling recent changes in data paradigms. We discuss and compare different open source and commercial platforms that can be used to develop a data lake. We then describe our end-to-end data lake design and implementation approach using the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) on the Hadoop Data Platform (HDP). Finally, we present a real-world data lake development use case for data stream ingestion, staging, and multilevel streaming analytics which combines structured and unstructured data. This study can serve as a guide for individuals or organizations planning to implement a data lake solution for their use cases.


Sheridan Research



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Original Publication Citation

Liu, R., Isah, H., and Zulkernine, F. (2020). Big Data Lake for Multilevel Streaming Analytics. arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2009.12415


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