Crochet Connections: An Intergenerational Fiber Craft Project | 2023 | Sheridan College
Crochet Connections: An Intergenerational Fibre Craft Project was a research initiative that brought together Sheridan students and older adults from the community to learn, connect, and create crocheted blankets for charitable donation. The project examined whether an intergenerational fibre craft group could positively benefit participant well-being. This project builds on previous research by Ferzana Chaze, Karen Lints, and Kimberly Anderson that explored the relationship of fibre craft communities and well-being.

Funded by a Sheridan Generator Growth Grant, and in partnership with the Centre for Elder Research, the research team was comprised of Karen Lints, Ferzana Chaze, and Kate Dupuis.


Submissions from 2023


Crochet Connections: An Intergenerational Fibre Craft Project, Karen Lints, Ferzana Chaze, and Kate Dupuis

Submissions from 2022


Crafting Well-being: A Scoping Review of the Benefits of Participation in Fibre Craft Communities and Implications for Activities for Older Adults, Ferzana Chaze, Karen Lints, and Kimberley Anderson