Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Across the Disciplines: ICE Stories
Sue Fostaty Young, Meagan Troop, Jenn Stephenson, Kip Pegley, John Johnston, Mavis Morton, Christa Bracci, Anne O'Riordan, Val Michaelson, Kanonhsyonne Janice Hill, and Shayna Watson
“Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Across Disciplines: ICE Stories” is a collection of post-secondary teachers’ accounts of the ways the ICE model has influenced their thinking, their teaching, and their students’ learning. The model, informed by theories of cognition and transformative learning, serves as a framework that offers a conception of learning that resonates with both instructors and students alike. The model is simple without being simplistic and furnishes a vocabulary that serves to clarify thinking about what learning is and what it looks like in a variety of post-secondary teaching and learning contexts. That clarity of thinking and the ability to communicate about learning has enabled the authors of these chapters to become more purposeful in their approaches to teaching and assessment and their students to plan and reflect for their own improvement.
Learning Analytics
Kyle Mackie and Meagan Troop
This open textbook is a curation of resources related to recent learning analytics (LA) initiatives at Sheridan College, exploring LA from philosophical, methodological, instructional, and ethical points of view.
Sheridan’s work in LA aims to leverage learning data to help foster a culture of care and bolster the success of students. While these resources are grounded in the work at the College, it is our hope that they will support and inspire educators with tools and guidance on how to use data to inform and enhance teaching and learning.
In the pages that follow, you will find background information related to LA, recordings from Community of Practice meetings, interactive infographics, links to current research, guiding documents, and reflective worksheets.
The Emerging Trends Collection
Paula Ogg
Looking for creative constructivist cutting edge teaching and learning strategies? The Emerging Trends Collection has innovative ideas for assessment, inquiry-based learning, digital media, two-way communication tools, social media, and collaboration. The Collection is a series of books updated continuously.
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