"Nine, January 28 – February 20, 1988" by Theatre Sheridan



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Nine, the Tony Award-winning Best Musical of the 1982 Broadway season, concerns the travails of Guido Contini - an Italian film director and the twenty-one women in his life, who first appear as an orchestra he mentally conducts. Guido, whose last three films have been flops, is suffering from mid-life crisis. He is vacationing at a Venetian spa and trying to repair his crumbling marriage to his wife Luisa. But his mistress, Carla, is also in Venice and provides considerable distraction.

Guido is also enamored of his former protegee Claudia Nardi, and is hard pressed to choose from among the three women currently in his life. To make matters worse, his Parisian producer, Liliane La Fleur, insists that he create a movie musical for her though Contini, as yet, hasn't the slightest idea for a film.

Guido is haunted by three earlier moments in his life when, as a child of nine, he was fawned over by his mother and aunts, introduced to sexuality by the exuberant whore Saraghina, and punished at his parochial school for having gone to visit Saraghina on the beach.

When almost all seems lost, Claudia comes to visit Venice and inadvertently gives Guido an idea for his movie. The film, "Contini's Cassanova", be gins rehearsal immediately but, while it is in progress, Guido violates a trust with Luisa and alienates the other women in his life.

Abandoned by Luisa, Carla, and Claudia, with his film doomed to failure, Contini seriously disoriented and fantasizes suicide.

He is saved by the image of his nine-year old self, who urges him toward maturity, after which Guido abandons at last his orchestra of women and sets out in search of his one true love - Luisa.

Director: Christina James

Choreographer: Gwen Bloom

Musical Director: Tom McPherson

Publication Date


Production Year


Theatre Location

Sheridan Hall, Sheridan


Guido Contini, the film director: Fernando Santos
Guido at an early age, cast B: Bernard Hamilton
Guido at an early age, cast N: Nick Feroze
Luisa Contini, Guido's wife: Michele Berting
Carla Albanese, Guido's mistress: Josie Vint
Claudia Nardi, the actress: Lisa MacNeil
Guido's mother: Catherine Russell
Liliane La Fleur, Guido's producer: Lynn Bourque
Lina Darling, La Fleur's accomplice: Kristin Doern
Stephanie Necrophorus, a critic: Karen Le Blanc
Our Lady of the Spa: Mandy Snape
Mama Maddelena, Chief of the chambermaids: Tracey Forster
Sarraghina: Donna Greenidge

The Italians
Diana: Louisa Burgess
Maria: Karen Cohen
Annabella: Sarah Sked
Guilietta: Liz Gilroy
Francesca: Luisa Appolloni
Renata: Heather Cherron
A Venetian Gondolier: Jackie Lee

The Germans
Olga Von Sturm: Jamie Oksman
Heidi Von Sturm: Cara Lee Pendlebury
Ilsa Von Hesse: Tracey Letourneau
Gretchen Vonkrupf: Sharron Matthews

Little Guido's three schoolmates
Cast B Jan. 28 & 30, Feb. 3, 5, 10, 12, 18 & 20 Bryan Baeumler
Paul Kossowkski
Ryan Chekak
Cast N Jan. 27 & 29 Feb. 4, 6, 11, 13, 17 & 19 David Ransom
Rick Edwards
Jake Morland


Nine, Theatre Sheridan, musical theatre

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Theatre and Performance Studies


Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design


Department of Visual and Performing Arts

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Original Citation

James, C. (Director). (1988, January 28 – February 20). Nine [Theatre Performance]. Oakville: Theatre Sheridan.

Nine, January 28 – February 20, 1988



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