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Charlie and Alice, a sophisticated children’s play, described as an improbable frolic into the realm of Fantasy. Loosely based on Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, the play features Alice, along with such familiar characters as the Mad Hatter, the White Rabbit and the Queen of Hearts. However, there are a few interesting twists – the Cheshire Cat, Charlie, is a very cool cat representing the forces of good and locked in battle with the evil Ace of Spades. Many echoes of the Keystone cops and slapstick abound in this hilarious production. Added to this is an incredible collection of music, dance, magic, technical work, and special effects designed to make Charlie and Alice a sophisticated children’s play.
Adaption written by Marty Southcott.
Directors: Ron Cameron and Marty Southcott
Choreographer: Maureen Shone
Musical Director: Don Graves
Publication Date
Production Year
Theatre Location
Sheridan Hall Theatre
Charlie: J. Daniel Van Wyck
Alice: Lizza Sendzimir
Ace: Paul Lampert
White Rabbit: Suzanne De Groat
Cook: Audrey Adams
Duchess: Scott May
Mat Hatter: Chris Gibson
March Hare: Robert Persichini
Dormouse: Marty Wallace
Gardner 7: Nancy Webster
Gardner 5: Jim Anderson
Gardner 9: Katheryne E. Stewart
King: Michael S. Lee
Queen: Louise Premovic
Executioner: Deborah Barry
Igor: Jan Stirling
Chorus A: Deborah Barry, Dawn Burns, Sharron Eve Byram, Marc Clement, Brent Gilbert, Brian C. Morey, Mike Nichols, Judy Yurchuk
Chorus B: Patricia Arundel, Jean Marie Besseau, Vincent Falletta, Maureen P. Gadon, Stephanie Kuntz, Janet Morris, Steve Ongo, Lori Robinson, Jan Stirling
Charlie and Alice, Alice in Wonderland, Theatre Sheridan, musical theatre
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Theatre and Performance Studies
Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design
Department of Visual and Performing Arts
SOURCE Citation
Theatre Sheridan, "Charlie and Alice, December 4 – 9, 1978" (1978). Theatre Sheridan Productions. 153.
Original Citation
Cameron, R., & Southcott, M. (Directors). (1978, December 4 – 9). Charlie and Alice [Theatre Performance]. Oakville: Theatre Sheridan.