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The Grimm family take a trip to Fableburg, which is, at first glance, a quaint, quiet, German town, perfect for writing stories and negotiating film deals...or so we thought. When the Grimms discover a sinister plot of greed permeating through the town, they race to save Fableburg and its inhabitants and must ultimately decide on what really matters to them.

Director: Jordan Laffrenier
Music Director: Benjamin Kersey
Writer: Liana Del Mastro
Composer: Darnell Thomas

Publication Date


Production Year


Theatre Location

Macdonald Heaslip Hall


Will Grimm: Emry Tupper
Jay Grimm: Timothy Harder
Steph Grimm: Julia MacLean
Margaret Grim: Lyrie Murad
Cindy Noble : Ocean Williams
Trevor Knight: Nathan Piasecki
The mayor: Zac Ellis
Ella Tremont : Hadley Mustakas
Ruby Rotwell: Avery Rood
Rachel Frederic: Emma Woodside
Grundel Tremont: Izzy Eryavec
Brundel Tremont: Brooke Mitchell
Betty Rose: Léah Zack
Hans Lieds: BradLEY Hawkins
Gretchen Lieds: Izzy Lee Bergman
Selina Rose: Sarah Dennison
Thomas Jackson: Alex Yoannou

Stage Directions reader: Melissa Pomfret


Enchanting!, Sheridan, musical theatre

Terms of Use

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Theatre and Performance Studies


Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Original Citation

Laffrenier, J. (Director). (2023, October 17). Enchanting. [Theatre Performance]. Oakville: Theatre Sheridan.




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