Living and Dying with Dignity: Lessons from Older Adults
The intent of this video is for clinician training and not public use.
Document Type
Restricted Video
Publication Date
older adults, personal reflections, death, dying, lived experience
Emma, a retired nurse, shares reflections from her rich experiences to-date living life to the fullest. As the first recorded interview it is a bit more conversational then the rest!
Sheridan Research
Generator at Sheridan
Running Tme/Duration
Time Stamps
A Good Death
Factors that contribute to a good death. The importance of comfort, choice, and a quick death
A ‘Bad’ Death
Experiencing a bad death, not being heard or seen
In Sickness & In Health
A discussion of pain control and being involved in your care decisions. Sharing her partners journey of decline and undignified treatment. Discussion of dementia and dark humour
Planning for End-of-Life
A discussion of MAID and the limiting factor of Lewy body dementia. Reflections on her own death
Death Makes Us Feel Alive
Genetics, genetic testing, and the cards were dealt. Death is a part of life.
Safety & Protectionism
Protectionism related to COVID
Time is Valuable A reminder of the importance of travel and enjoying life
Freedom is the Right to Choose
A discussion of MAID, the right to choose
M.A.I.D – Three Stories
Recollection of three stories of friends MAID journey. Stories of acceptance and celebration of life. MAID gives you a cushion – giving people more control of their lives and perhaps less fear of death
A Right to A Good Death & A Right to Live
A discussion of a fear of death rather than a fear of the journey to death. The importance of death acceptance in medicine
Hopes, Dreams, & Wishes for End-of-Life
A good death… living every day until you die
Making the Most Out of Your Healthcare Visit
The importance of an advocate with you to your medical appointments, wills, and power of attorneys
Staying Informed – M.A.I.D
Accessing MAID from the patient perspective
Final Thoughts
Embrace life, whatever it is and whatever it offers…
© Karen Slonim
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
SOURCE Citation
Slonim, Karen, "Death and Dying Narratives – Including Community Members Voices in Clinician Training - Emma" (2024). Living and Dying with Dignity: Lessons from Older Adults. 10.
Members of the community were invited to share their personal reflections on death and dying. We met briefly before recording their insights, but no interview guide was provided. We are grateful for their openness, sharing, and honesty. What follows are their perceptions born from a wealth of lived experience and knowledge. Please enjoy and reflect.