Living and Dying with Dignity: Lessons from Older Adults
The intent of this video is for clinician training and not public use.
Document Type
Open Access Video
Publication Date
older adults, personal reflections, death, dying, lived experience
Chloe shares insights she has gained supporting people at end of life.
Sheridan Research
Generator at sheridan
Running Tme/Duration
Time Stamps
Acknowledging Death: A Women’s Circle
A word of advice for clinicians and a reflection on the importance of a community of your peers
Suzanne’s Story
An insightful story of a friends journey with dementia from diagnosis to death. Reflections on shared fears, the wisdom that persists, and living preference
Supporting As Times Got Tough
A continuation of Suzanne’s story, insights into how communication can take so many forms if you’re A continuation of Suzanne’s story, insights into how communication can take so many forms if you’re patient and when you transition your attention from the patient to the care partner
Interpretation is An Artform
Advice for authentic communication and connection
The Journey is Hard on Everyone
Music as a means to connect
Thoughts on Long Term Care
Benefits of LTC and their caring staff
Dying with Dignity
Medical Assistance in Dying and stepping into death
A Good Death
Death does not have to be a struggle, dramatic, and filled with pain. How do we grow into an acceptance of death
Growing into Death
Coming to terms with the idea that death is a natural part of life
The Role of Faith
Spiritual belief and religion. Discussions of equity and justice and living by your own code
Death in the Famil:
Explores first experiences with death, reflecting on how our experiences in life with people influence how we process their death. “Not everybody is loved… people die in different relationships, and you have to be honest enough to come to grips with that”
My Mother
Loss of a parent and experiences of long-term care from a child’s perspective
The System of Death
Advice from a care partner to people working in the medical system to combat systemic barriers and a discussion of hospice
We Can Live Until We Die… A Hospice Love Story
The story of two people that met in hospice and fell in love
Final Thoughts: Death is Not a Tragedy
Final reflection. There is a knowing beyond our knowing – take opportunities to be helpful and learn
© Karen Slonim
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
SOURCE Citation
Slonim, Karen, "Death and Dying Narratives – Including Community Members Voices in Clinician Training- Chloe" (2024). Living and Dying with Dignity: Lessons from Older Adults. 9.
Members of the community were invited to share their personal reflections on death and dying. We met briefly before recording their insights, but no interview guide was provided. We are grateful for their openness, sharing, and honesty. What follows are their perceptions born from a wealth of lived experience and knowledge. Please enjoy and reflect.