"Dynamic Digital Humans" by Garrett Hofland and Nathan Lapp

Dynamic Digital Humans

Streaming Media

Document Type

Student Work

Publication Date



digital avatars, digital humans, DDH, DDH avatar, animated 3d models, virtual reality, VR, augmented reality, AR


Cream’s DDH character creation Tool and the overall pipeline have led to the creation of lightweight digital avatars that are viewable on mobile processor devices such as the oculus quest. The digital humans match performance and image quality to that of expensive high fidelity characters at a fraction of the cost in production time and costs. The DDH patent-pending technology combines animated 3d models with live video stream performances, without the need of GPU intensive processors, dense models, complex animation systems, large files, and texture sizes. The DDH avatar is built to be as efficient as possible. At only 5MB per minute, it’s ready to run on 6DoF mobile processors such as Quest or Hololens.


Faculty of Applied Science & Technology (FAST)


Team Collaboration in SRCA

This award is conferred on a group of Sheridan students who operated as a high-achieving team, shared a unified focus and vision, and demonstrated a commitment to collaboration, equity and democratization in a curricular or non-curricular SRCA project.”

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
