Hughroy Staple

Hughroy Staple


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Hughroy has been an active and reliable Mission Zero volunteer, earning a Co-Curricular Recognition (CCR) certificate in Fall 2022 semester for his support at several Freeuse Pop Up Shops, an e-waste/tech collect drive, and a community tree-planting event. Not only does Hughroy generously offer his time and skills volunteering at Mission Zero events, but event organizers have also touted his strong interpersonal skills and his genuine care in helping and supporting others. Hughroy also serves as a Peer Mentor at Sheridan and is leading a collaboration between the Peer Mentor team and Mission Zero to host an interactive, sustainability-focused engagement activity at Sheridan’s Davis Campus this April.

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environment, community, mission zero


Faculty of Applied Science & Technology


Chemical Engineering Technology

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Hughroy Staple


GOAL 13: Climate Action

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