Nazifa Afroz

Nazifa Afroz


Author Type



Nazifa Afroz, a student in the chemical engineering technology program, has demonstrated a keen interest in finding innovative solutions to combat plastic waste through her efforts as a research assistant on the Generator-funded plastic-eating mushroom project. Her direct contributions have been fundamental in evaluating and advancing this innovative research at Sheridan, and she has taken initiative to share her research findings and knowledge at several Sheridan events including the 2023 Generator Showcase and the SDG Week 2024 Sustainability Networking & Showcase. Additionally, Nazifa serves as an executive member of Sheridan's Chemistry Club and her peers have commended her efforts to promote the approachability of chemistry though activities both at Sheridan and in the wider community. Nazifa is passionate about the environmental and engineering fields and is a great inspiration and example of what students can achieve when they direct their passion and education towards achieving larger sustainability and environmental goals.

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environment, community, mission zero


Faculty of Applied Science and Technology


Chemical Engineering Technology

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Nazifa Afroz


GOAL 13: Climate Action

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