Zachary Baker, Michael Miller, Lucas Bichara de Miranda, Cheyenne Moshtagh, Tommy Nguyen, and Jonathan Pin
Circuit Breakout
Wilson Chan, Farryl Chang, Hubery Chu, Tiago Massochin, Joshua Prichett, and Kevin Jacob Stanly
Chipp: A Sub-Par Adventure
Charlotte Cook, Corben Gilbert, Benjamin Kerr, Alex MacDonald, Scott Parker, and Gabriel St Onge
Deadline Terminal
Olivia Cox, Ron Liew, Neilson Arthur Musa, Madison (Mads) Schaeffer, and Grace (Rei) Zheng
The Last Forest Guardian
Angelo Farias, Aline Lott Lara, Alden McCallum, Ashley Reddick, Anna Tkachenko, and Jayden Wilson
Slap the Dead
Chrstopher (CJ) Petroff, Alex (Jae Kyun) Park, Matthew Tunney, Riley Jackson, and Tyson Baker
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