"Connecting Alzheimer’s Patients and Caregivers Through Music and Suppo" by Carly Board

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Alzheimer's, neurological disorder, caregivers, therapy, music therapy, interior design


Alzheimer's disease is an incurable neurological disorder that not only affects the individual diagnosed with this disease but their family members and caregivers as well. This research study examines how the relationship between Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers can be improved through various types of therapy and design. More specifically, how music therapy, support programs and familiar spaces can better connect individuals with Alzheimer’s disease to their family or caregivers when properly designed into the built environment. To determine if the built environment can better connect individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and their families or caregivers, a survey was conducted. The survey was administered to six individuals who provide care to people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. The survey consisted of a range of questions on the living environment of Alzheimer’s patients and how they engage with these specific spaces. The survey also asked questions on music therapy and support programs for Alzheimer’s patients. The survey found that specific environments impact the way patients participate in support programs with their caregivers. The survey also found that the environment has a major impact on patients’ personal relationships with their caregivers. The results strongly suggest that music therapy, support programs and familiar design elements should be incorporated into the built environment to allow for a better connection to be formed between Alzheimer’s patients and caregivers.


Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design (FAAD)

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