"Louis Riel and the Metis Rebellions" by Hamzah Haider, Syed Zain Ahmad et al.

Louis Riel and the Metis Rebellions

Document Type

Student Work

Publication Date



Louis Riel, Red River Rebellion, Hudson Bay Company, Northwest Resistance


The goal of this project was to focus on Louis Riel and the Metis and Indigenous people of the mid to late 1800s in early Canada. We planned on creating a visualization that depicts the early life of Riel along with the circumstances that turned him from a priest-in-training to a central figure in two major rebellions following the sale of land from the Hudson’s Bay company to the Dominion of Canada. However, we decided to build a website highlighting Riel’s early life, the Red River and North-West Rebellions, and a look at the Metis people in contemporary Canada.


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences (FHASS)

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