Author Type


Document Type

Case Study

Publication Date



AI, artificial intelligence, post-secondary students, accounting

Case Overview

A fictional case study has been developed with the purpose of generating discussion around the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for post-secondary students. The framework for this case is based on best practices and principles in case writing by Leenders et., al (2001) in their book, Writing Cases.

The case in this report was designed to encourage honest and forthright discussions on AI-related issues students may encounter in academia and accounting/business programs. While this case focuses on an accounting student, it can be adapted for a wide variety of post-secondary programs and disciplines that utilize AI technologies and tools.


Pilon School of Business


Bachelor of Business Admin Accounting

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Original Publication Citation

Rahim, S. (2024). Artificial Intelligence for Post Secondary Accounting Students [Unpublished Case Study]. Pilon School of Business. Sheridan College.


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