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emotional intelligence (EI), banking sector, emotional competencies, bar-on EQi, MSCEIT


Emotional intelligence (EI) is the potential ability of an individual to display emotionally competent behaviors. It is broken down into two broad categories: ability-based (AEI) and trait-based (TEI). This literature review looks at the importance of EI in the banking sector and whether there are effective ways to measure it. It also attempts to identify what role, if any, post-secondary institutions have in developing EI in students in order to prepare them for success in the workplace. This report determined that EI is becoming increasingly important in the banking sector as it moves towards a more skill-based platform. Both AEI and TEI can be measured using the MSCEIT and Bar-On EQi respectively. TEI is based on competencies that can be measured and taught within post-secondary institutions. Enhancing current curriculums to include EI in a direct manner would increase job success for new graduates entering the banking sector.


Pilon School of Business


Bachelor of Business Admin Accounting

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Original Publication Citation

Pearce, T. (2019). Emotional intelligence: Its importance for new graduate success in the banking sector. [Unpublished Thesis]. Pilon School of Business. Sheridan College.

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