GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth | UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) | Sheridan College

GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth



Submissions from 2024


Social Capital and Mentoring: Rethinking Mentoring with a Decolonized Perspective, Zunaira Baig, Ferzana Chaze, Deepika Gupta, Arlene Samuel, Dorothy Rodrigues, and Elaine Kwee


Business Incubators and the Application of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI), Daren Costin


Stop The Grind, Mia Dias


International Students Work Experiences while Attending Post Secondary Education, Nazir Jandali

Submissions from 2023


Contributing to a National Early Learning and Child Care System in Canada: An Environmental Scan of Early Childhood Policy and Programs, Yalin Gorica, Yasaman Jalali-Kushki, Mei Wang, and Jennifer Conforzi

Submissions from 2022


Facilitators and Barriers to Mentoring Newcomers to Canada, Ferzana Chaze, Leigh Hayden, Deepikaa Gupta, Elaine Kwee, Dorothy Rodrigues, and Arlene Samuel

Facilitators and Barriers to Mentoring Newcomers to Canada, Ferzana Chaze, Leigh Hayden, Deepikaa Gupta, Elaine Kwee, Dorothy Rodrigues, and Arlene Samuel

Facilitators and Barriers to Mentoring Newcomers to Canada: OMNI News Report, Ferzana Chaze, Annie Singh, Deepikaa Gupta, Dorothy Rodrigues, and Arlene Samuel


International Students’ Lived Experiences: A Review of Literature, Amira El Masri and Noah Khan

Alternative Credentials – What Do Employers Want? (Expo Booth), Shady Hana


Digital Graffiti, Harvey Ho Mr, Scott McGhie Mr, and Vladislav Mun Mr

Effects of Economic Liberalization on Poverty and Inequality in India – A Case Study of Pre-COVID-19 Period, Rohit Narayan and Satyendra Narayan


Undergraduate Student Participation in Non-Curricular Research: Preliminary Findings, Bethany Osborne, Ferzana Chaze, Purnima George, Archana Medhekar, Kate Sullivan, and Israa Abdulrahem

Books from 2021


Webinar: A Local to Global Imperative: Powering Personal and Societal Transformation through Education for Sustainable Development, Sabbir Saiyed, Rehema White, Asaf Zohar, Marisol Campos-Navarrete, and John Helliker

Sheridan's Centre for Mobile Innovation (Expo Booth), Edward Sykes

Submissions from 2020


Framework for an Integrated Learning Block with CDIO-led Engineering Education, Mouhamed Abdulla, Meagan Troop, and Amjed Majeed


Power, Politics, and Education: Canadian Universities and International Education in an Era of New Geopolitics, Roopa Desai Trikokekar, Amira El Masri, and Hani El Masry

International Education Policy in Ontario: A Swinging Pendulum, Roopa Desai Trilokekar and Amira El Masri

Submissions from 2019


Redesigning Telecommunication Engineering Courses with CDIO geared for Polytechnic Education, Mouhamed Abdulla, Zohreh Motamedi, and Amjed Majeed


International Education as Policy: A Discourse Coalition Framework Analysis of the Construction, Context, and Empowerment of Ontario's International Education Storylines, Amira El Masri

How Can Sheridan Students Be Effective Allies to Indigenous Communities While They Are at Sheridan and as They Enter the Field?, Bethany Osborne, Elijah Williams, and Ferzana Chaze


Stock Market Analysis: A Review and Taxonomy of Prediction Techniques, Dev Shah, Haruna Isah, and Farhana Zulkernine


The Employee Engagement Framework: High Impact Drivers and Outcomes, Amena Shahid


Successful Models for Enhancing International Students’ Academic Success: Research and Recommendations, Joan Sweeney-Marsh and Kathleen Oakey

Open borders, closed minds: The experiences of international students in the Ontario labour market, Roopa Trilokekar, Kelly Thomson, and Amira El Masri

Submissions from 2018


Resistance Is Futile: Embracing the Era of the Augmented Worker, Nathaniel Barr and Kelly Peters


Innovations from the Margins: The Community Ideas Factory community collaboration, Sara Cumming, Jessica Pulis, and Michael J. McNamara

Sheridan's Research Centres and Entrepreneurship Hub: Opportunities for participation, John Helliker, Lia Tsotsos, Edward Sykes, Spencer Idenouye, Michelle Chrétien, Renée Devereaux, and Michael Rubinoff


Employee Intention to Stay: An Environment Based on Trust and Motivation, Amena Shahid


Reasoning about ideal interruptible moments: A soft computing implementation of an interruption classifier in free-form task environments, Edward R. Sykes

Research and Innovation at Sheridan College: What does it have to do with me?, Lia Tsotsos, Michelle Chrétien, Edward Sykes, Spencer Idenouye, Michael Rubinoff, and Renée Devereaux

Events from 2017

CTL TLA3 posters | Case approach to teaching, Preet Bhalla

The Social Organization of South Asian Immigrant Women's Mothering Work, Ferzana Chaze

Submissions from 2016


Mobile Devices at the Cinema Theatre, Edward R. Sykes, Dilip Muthukrishnan, Yousif Al-Yousifi, Darren Spriet, and Krzysztof Pietroszek

Submissions from 2015


The Social Organization of South Asian Immigrant Women’s Mothering in Canada, Ferzana Chaze


The Global Competition for International Students as Future Immigrants: The role of Ontario universities in translating government policy into institutional practice, Amira El Masri, Melisa Choubak, and Rashelle Litchmore

Punjabi/Sikhs in Canada: Dimensions of Integration, U. George and Ferzana Chaze


International Students as ‘Ideal Immigrants’ in Canada: A disconnect between policy makers’ assumptions and the lived experiences of international students, Colin Scott, Saba Safdar, Roopa Trilokekar, and Amira El Masri


Context-Aware Mobile Apps using iBeacons: Towards Smarter Interactions, Edward R. Sykes, Stephen Pentland, and Saverio Nardi

Submissions from 2014


Discrimination at Work: Comparing the Experiences of Foreign-trained and Locally-trained Engineers in Canada, Usha George and Ferzana Chaze


Introduction From the Special Issue Editors: Preparing Graduate Students for a Changing World of Work, Bethany Osborne, Sara Carpenter, Megan Burnett, Carol Rolheiser, and Cynthia Korpan


Evaluating iPad Use in the Field for Social Service Worker Gerontology Students, Kathryn Warren-Norton, Nellie Sheppard, Pat Spadafora, and Lia Tsotsos

Submissions from 2013


The Interlocking Oppressions of Employment-related Discrimination for Internationally Trained Engineers in Canada, Ferzana Chaze and Usha George


Preparing the Leaders of Tomorrow: A Model of Applied Research Training in a Community College, Pat Spadafora and Lia Tsotsos

Submissions from 2010


MPI Enhancements in John the Ripper, Edward R. Sykes, Michael Lin, and Wesley Skoczen

Submissions from 2009


Child Welfare Intervention in Visible Minority Immigrant Families: The Role of Poverty and the Mothering Discourse, Ferzana Chaze