Data Sheets
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This data sheet provides a picture of the available relevant characteristics of the community at the time of the census (2016). We have included data both from those individuals over the age of 65 at the time of the census, as well as those who are in the age cohort just below (50 – 64), so those engaged in planning for future community needs can anticipate where growth or reduction in needs may be.
These numbers may be used to provide an overall picture of the municipality or region as a whole, and may be used to help guide municipality/region-wide decision making about where resources could be allocated in order to combat social isolation in the region. Used in concert with the interactive maps in this toolkit, planners can identify the geographic areas where these resources would see the greatest potential benefit.
This resource is included in the Social Isolation and Loneliness Toolkit, created by the Centre for Elder Research in Oakville ON, Canada. The Toolkit is part of a research project titled “Building Connected Communities: improving Community Supports to Reduce Loneliness and Social Isolation in Immigrants 65+”. The research focused on exploring strategies to effectively reach out to, and support, older immigrants who may be experiencing, or are at risk of experiencing, social isolation and/or loneliness.
Publication Date
social isolation, loneliness, older adult, immigrant, connected communities, immigration, settlement, community development, Canada, Ontario, Halton Hills
Categorical Data Analysis | Community-Based Research | Gerontology | Health Services Research | Social Statistics | Social Work
Document Type
This research was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
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©Sheridan Centre for Elder Research
SOURCE Citation
Sheridan Centre for Elder Research, "Building Connected Communities: Halton, Halton Hills – 2016 Census Older Immigrants" (2018). Data Sheets. 4.

Included in
Categorical Data Analysis Commons, Community-Based Research Commons, Gerontology Commons, Health Services Research Commons, Social Statistics Commons, Social Work Commons
Note: This project was conducted from 2015-19. The Social Isolation and Loneliness Toolkit was published in 2019.
The research team made every effort to ensure information was accurate as of the time of publication, but please be aware that some of the information may have changed or may be out of date if accessed in the years following that. The inclusion of any agency or service in this toolkit does not constitute an endorsement of the service.