"Crystal Memories: Capturing Our Voices - Report Series # 13" by Pat Spadafora, Rebecca Hart et al.

Publications and Scholarship

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older adults, Sheridan Elder Research Centre


These two pilot studies, conducted between January and April 2006, were comprised of two independent research projects. The goal of the first project (Project A) was to assess the usability of the Crystal Memories software developed at the Sheridan Elder Research Centre (SERC) and to make recommendations for version two of the software. Three women and two men were recruited from an earlier computer study conducted at SERC in the fall of 2005; one man was recruited from the broader community of Oakville, Ontario. None of these participants had any known cognitive impairments. The 6 participants met as a group for two hours, once a week for 10 weeks. This group was facilitated by two student research assistants. The second research project (Project B) involved two participants with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD), and their primary care partners. Project B focused on the potential for shared personal narratives to enhance communication between persons with ADRD and their care partners.


Research Centres


Sheridan Elder Research Centre (SERC)

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Original Publication Citation

Spadafora, P., Hart, R., & Bouls, J. (2005). Crystal Memories: Capturing Our Voices - Report Series # 13 [Report]. Oakville: Sheridan Elder Research Centre (SERC).

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