Publications and Scholarship



Submissions from 2024


Living Well Together: Confronting Bullying in seniors’ Communities, Liza Franses and Jane Kuchma

Inclusive Community Building at Sheridan: A Built Environment Review at the Trafalgar Campus for an Aging Population, Lia Tsotsos, Kathryn Warren-Norton, Patricia Marshall, and Angela Iarocci


Inclusive Community Building at Sheridan: A Wayfinding Journey (Report), Lia Tsotsos, Kathryn Warren-Norton, Patricia Marshall, and Angela Iarocci

Submissions from 2022


A Scoping Review: Sensory Interventions for Older Adults Living with Dementia, Leigh Hayden, Christina Passarelli, Susan Shepley, and William Tigno


Pandemic Stories: The Voices of Older Adults, Leigh Hayden, Kathryn Warren-Norton, Ferzana Chaze, and Rebecca Roberts

Submissions from 2021


Sensory Interventions for Older Adults Living with Dementia, William Tigno, Leigh Hayden, Christina Passarelli, and Susan Shepley

Submissions from 2018


Technology for Remote Health Monitoring in an Older Population: A Role for Mobile Devices, Kate Dupuis


Building Connected Communities: Reducing Loneliness and Social Isolation in Immigrants 65+ – December 2018 – Research Update, Sheridan Centre for Elder Research

Submissions from 2017


Supporting Optimal Aging through the Innovative Use of Virtual Reality Technology, Sally Hughes, Kathryn Warren-Norton, Pat Spadafora, and Lia Tsotsos


Building Connected Communities: Reducing Loneliness and Social Isolation in Immigrants 65+ – February 2017 – Research Update, Sheridan Centre for Elder Research


Building Connected Communities: Reducing Loneliness and Social Isolation in Immigrants 65+ – September 2017 – Research Update, Sheridan Centre for Elder Research

Submissions from 2016


Hearing and Vision Screening Tools for Long-Term Care Residents with Dementia: Protocol for a Scoping Review, Kate Dupuis, Katherine S. McGilton, Fiona Höbler, Jennifer Campos, Tammy Labreche, Dawn M. Guthrie, Jonathan Jarry, Gurjit Singh, and Walter Wittich


Online Elder Circles: A Follow-up Study, Trudy Medcalf, Lia Tsotsos, and Pat Spadafora


Building Connected Communities: Reducing Loneliness and Social Isolation in Immigrants 65+ – June 2016 – Research Update, Sheridan Centre for Elder Research


Building Connected Communities: Reducing Loneliness and Social Isolation in Immigrants 65+ – September 2016 – Research Update, Sheridan Centre for Elder Research


Revera Report on Ageism: Independence and Choice As We Age, Sheridan Centre for Elder Research and Revera

Submissions from 2015


Suvien: Impact, Usability and Effectiveness, Steve Collins, Paul McDonald, Philip Caffery, Susan Pratten, Paulina Camino, Lia Tsotsos, and Pat Spadafora


Impact of an 11-week Nordic Pole Walking Program on the Overall Feelings of Health, Wellbeing and Motivation in Older Adults, Ginger Quinn, Greg Bellamy, Paulina Camino, Lia Tsotsos, and Pat Spadafora


iAging: Optimizing Health, Design and Well Being for Older Adults Using Technology, Pat Spadafora and Lia Tsotsos


From the Lab to Student and Graduate Success: The Benefits of Developing Research Skills, Pat Spadafora, Lia Tsotsos, and Paola Hernandez Soto

Submissions from 2014


The Driving Cognitive Training Centre (DCTC): Testing a Community-based Brain Training Model for Older Drivers, Marta Owsik, Paulina Camino, Frieda Fanni, Pat Spadafora, and Lia Tsotsos


Evaluating iPad Use in the Field for Social Service Worker Gerontology Students, Kathryn Warren-Norton, Nellie Sheppard, Pat Spadafora, and Lia Tsotsos

Submissions from 2013


Online Elder Circles: A Guide to their Creation and Benefits, Trudy Medcalf, Lia Tsotsos, and Pat Spadafora


The ‘Brain Gym’ Approach: Testing a Community-based Brain Training Model for Older Adults, Marta Owsik, Frieda Fanni, Pat Spadafora, and Lia Tsotsos


Preparing the Leaders of Tomorrow: A Model of Applied Research Training in a Community College, Pat Spadafora and Lia Tsotsos


The ‘Brain Gym’ Approach: Testing and Validating a Brain Training Model for Older Adults, Lia E. Tsotsos and Marta Owsik

Submissions from 2012


Technology Assistance and Evaluation Research: Comparing the Computer and the iPad in Technology Tutoring for Older Adults, Lia Tsotsos, Pat Spadafora, Chris Blint, David Hill, and Marta Owsik

Submissions from 2010


Benefits of Yoga for Physical Health and Quality of Life for Older Adults - Report Series # 18, Alexa Roggeveen, Pat Spadafora, Susan Anderson-Wilcox, and Ashley Hiscock


Smemories: The Relationship Between Smells and Memories for Adults 60+ - Report Series # 19, Alexa Roggeveen, Pat Spadafora, Michael Olson, Amanda Leveque, and Linda Keeping


Assessing Attitudes Toward Technology Among Older Adults and Usability of Software for Elders - Report Series # 20, Alexa Roggeveen, Pat Spadafora, and Raul Rupsingh

Submissions from 2009


As Seen Through Their Eyes: The Learning Needs of Ontario Elders, Pat Spadafora


Movement Matters: Results of an Introductory Dance Project at the Village of Humber Heights - Report Series # 16, Pat Spadafora, Kate Dupuis, Gillian Saunders-Herron, Paula Skimin, and Ashley Hiscock

Submissions from 2008


Aging in Place: Accessible, Rent-Geared-To-Income Housing for Unattached Older Women: Phase I - Report Series # 11, Mary Jane Carroll


Usability of Consumer Software - Report Series # 9, Pat Spadafora, Rebecca Hart, Jeremy Fernie, Chris Tham, and Kosma Wysocki

Submissions from 2006


Reciprocal Learning: An Intergenerational Computer Training Model for Young Adults Working with Elders Follow-Up Evaluation: Summer 2006 - Report Series # 15, Nellie Sheppard, Pat Spadafora, and Susan Pratten

Submissions from 2005


Enhancing Social Interaction between Preschoolers and Older Adults with Dementia - Report Series # 6, Linda Chud, Rose Morrison, Pat Tretjack, Anna Baas-Anderson, Barbara Ledger, Tiziana Pelusi, Julie Sweezie, Pat Spadafora, and Magda Lenartowicz


Introducing Older Persons to Benefits of Technology - Report Series # 2, Marianne Klein and Deanna Spadafora


Horticulture Therapy for Older Adults with Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) - Report Series # 3, Agata Lesnik and Deanna Spadafora


Communication in Context: Research Opportunity Program Course - Report Series # 8, Danielle Minghella


Older Adults Embracing Technology: Leave No One Behind, Susan Pratten, Lori Schindel Martn Dr., Ellen Ryan, Ann Anas, Pat Spadafora, and Rebecca Hart


Facilitated Life Story Writing by Individuals with Dementia for Conversational Remembering Boxes - Report Series # 4, Ellen Ryan, Pat Spadafora, Sarah Clark, Hendrika Spykerman, Laura Wiersma, and Magda Lenartowicz


Facilitated Life Story Writing by Individuals with Dementia for Conversational Remembering Boxes: Follow-up Summer 2005 - Report Series # 10, Ellen Ryan, Pat Spadafora, and Magda Lenartowicz


Sign Comprehension in Young Adults, the Healthy Elderly, and Older People with Varying Levels of Cognitive Impairment - Report Series # 5, C.T. (Chip) Scialfa, Pat Spadafora, Marianne Klein, Agata Lesnik, Antje Heinrich, and Magda Lenartowicz


Observational Outcome Measures to Evaluate Assistive Technology Use by People with Dementia - Report Series # 12, Gurgit Singh, Kathy Pichora-Fuller, Elizabeth Rochon, JB Orange, and Pat Spadafora


Cosmetics Laboratory Report - Report Series # 7, Pat Spadafora and Ann Callaghan


Crystal Memories: Capturing Our Voices - Report Series # 13, Pat Spadafora, Rebecca Hart, and John Bouls


A Tapestry of Voices: Using Elder Focus Groups to Guide Applied Research Practice - Report Series # 1, Sally Stewart and Deanna Spadafora